兜兜sama:看完之后好沉重的感觉BGM Sleep就像哀悼曲一样绝望医院备皮前段略吃惊另外法鸡男主的颜值真是美极了那红唇真是诱惑死
思正:虚拟人生3中文版(The Guilty Ones) (悬疑成分不是很浓故事虽然老套但还算完整演得还凑合吧)
妈妈说不要和陌生人讲话:直播时导演在线答网友介绍里提到她自己的一些经历虚拟人生3中文版与家庭主妇的不同“I wrote this story was because I often followed women working in massage parlors when I was a child...When I grew up, my mother also shared her stories in massage parlors, so I have very fond memories of my childhood linked to these places. I think these women are quite unique.”
尼古拉斯小点点:“可我不想再杀人了我想做的是娱乐他们” I don't see any difference